Leaders in Leibniz institutes face complex management tasks. As well as staff recruitment and management and resource planning, they have to manage the sustainable development of their organisational units, formulate visions and strategies and work with their staff to implement them. Then there are research-specific management tasks such as safeguarding good scientific practice, making joint appointments to professorships and managing interdisciplinarity.

All these tasks pose particular challenges to leaders in a rapidly changing environment. To strengthen the leadership culture and improve leadership skills, the Leibniz Association promotes networking between colleagues and shared learning experiences through the Leibniz Leadership Academy.

  1. Vier junge Menschen stehen um einen Tisch herum und unterhalten sich.

    Forum Wissenschaftsmanagement

    An event about entry and career opportunities in science management.

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  2. Äpfel und Trauben liegen in einer Schale auf einem Tisch.

    Leadership Lunches

    Every eight weeks, we present stimulating ideas on all aspects of leadership in science organisations.

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  3. Hölzener Leibniz-Kugelschreiber liegt auf einer Postkarte der Leibniz-Akademie für Führungskräfte

    Leadership Toolbox

    The Leadership Toolbox offers tools for a large number of leadership situations. From staff check-ins to staff appraisals and time management.

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  4. Mann und Frau unterhalten sich.

    Reverse Mentoring

    Younger people, such as doctoral researchers, act as mentors to staff with leadership experience, such as Leibniz Academy alumni, giving them insights into what life and work are like for the new generation.

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  5. Büchertisch mit darüberhängender Tasche mit dem Leibniz-Zitat "die beste der möglichen Welten"

    Recommended reading and listening

    Here you will find a small selection of recommended reading on the subject of leadership.

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  6. Hände mit Stift liegen auf einem Heft.

    Careers in the Leibniz Association

    The Leibniz Association offers a wide range of support and funding opportunities for scientific careers.

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