Forum Wissenschaftsmanagement
The event is aimed at young professionals who are interested in a career in science management and, if possible, are already in their first position in this field, as well as doctoral students and postdocs who are interested in working in science management. The event will focus on the requirements and paths into science management and present various job profiles. The event will also provide an opportunity to make contacts and, if interested, to find out about work shadowing opportunities.
- Format: Two-day event.
- Participants: Up to 40 participants from the Leibniz Association; further places are reserved for the Helmholtz Association, Max Planck Society and Fraunhofer Society.
- Language: German; some impulses are planned in English.
- Location: Headquarters of the Leibniz Association, Chausseestraße 111, 10115 Berlin.
- Dates: 19 May, 12.30 to 9:00 pm. and 20 May, 9 am. to 1.30 pm.
Please find the agenda for download here.
Applications are possible via this link by March 7th. In case we have more registrations than places, we ask for your understanding that we will have to make a selection. (We strive for a balanced mix between young professionals and those who are interested in entering this field, as well as in terms of sections and gender.)